Furbag's Bane
One Human + One Cat = BDSM and quite a bit of fun…

The Naked Cat…

     Posted on Sun ,01/02/2009 by Baggsy

Damn I wish I’d had Skinbag take those shiny clippers he does his beard with, to me and turn me into a walking camel toe. Unfortunately I’d hate to think anyone mistook me for a rat or a Chihuahua! Still, today is much better, and I scored Egg Nog. Life is good…

Vet is not a word for Casual Conversation…

     Posted on Mon ,19/01/2009 by Baggsy

The saying is a “bird in a cage”, NOT a “CAT in a cage”. I’m watching you Skinbag!

In the Air…

     Posted on Sun ,18/01/2009 by Baggsy

My whiskers are bristling with suspicion!


     Posted on Tue ,13/01/2009 by Baggsy

Damned Skinbag is up to something. I can’t put my paw on it just yet, but he’s being too considerate. However he dared to ignore my banging on the door and rattling on the windows and he’s prattling on about Toe Rings now! Think a swipe or two across the face just as he’s nearly drifted off to sleep is in order…

Perhaps, I’ll just keep pushing him in his sleep until he falls out of bed too!

I’m not sure why anyone’s surprised…

     Posted on Wed ,24/12/2008 by Baggsy

Once again a prime example of why Skinbag is a second rate species!!

Fur in the paw…Ouch!

     Posted on Sun ,23/11/2008 by Baggsy

It seems that I’m engaged in a territorial dispute with an interloper over the last few days. Well if that Fluff Arse thinks that just because I’m comfortable in my middle age, means I won’t whip his arse…he’s going to burn! *Sharpens Claws on Skinbag’s bookcase*. Not my fault the grass was wet and I slipped!

It’s been so long, but thanks for all the Fish…

     Posted on Fri ,24/10/2008 by Baggsy

Well finally Skinbag’s better mood for the last day or so has an explanation! Seems there’ll be some cash rolling in again and the crap that he’s been feeding me will once more improve! Also he won’t be under my paws all bloody day from next week and a cat can have a bit of peace and quiet again. From what I gather he’ll be home in the evenings again, and that means I won’t have to miss out on my daily beating up on him when he gets home.

What! No Bacon!!

     Posted on Sat ,18/10/2008 by Baggsy

I wake up this morning to find out there’s NO Goddam Bacon for me on a Saturday morning. Not only that, all week he’s been serving my up this rubbish in a sachet, and blaming ME because I don’t want to eat SHIT. WTF!!! If Skinbag doesn’t get a job soon, I’m going to rip his eyes out of his sockets, and scoop his brain out with my paws and eat that for my next Saturday morning Big Breakfast! This pussy expects a certain standard of living, and that’s what she’s going to have again. I’ll give HIM the COSMOS – right back up the arse…

Inside Out…

     Posted on Wed ,13/08/2008 by Baggsy

Beginning to wonder whether Skinbag is ever coming home!! Apparently he’s lording it up in Sydney…

I wonder if it’s got anything to do with the Furball I dumped under his feet in the kitchen the the other night: he seemed to disappear not long after that…

What does he expect when he dishes me up crap!

Where did I go wrong…

     Posted on Mon ,16/06/2008 by Baggsy

Brrr…. Goddam Skinbag tossed me out in the cold like some sort of stuffed toy this morning. Good thing SOMEONE cares about my welfare, checks on my food bowl and let’s me in…although perhaps a couple of hot water bottles in the Skinbag’s bed wouldn’t go astray. I’ll have to work on that one!

Anyway Skinbag is MIA now, and I’ve no entertainment now for the night! That’s one whack of the paw for him when he eventually shows!