Furbag's Bane
One Human + One Cat = BDSM and quite a bit of fun…

Archive for February, 2009


Tue ,24/02/2009

Well it seems that I’ve a new patch, courteousy of Skinbag. Lot’s of room to pounce around on the inside, and an absolute crap load of turf (figuratively) on the outside. I can see that I’m going to need a pommer for the backyard in a few years for the walk up, but the way down will be sweet!

Apparently I’m getting my own access so I won’t have to wait on that bloody Skinbag to open the door for me each time I want in or out. Life is good as a Furbag!

I may have to consider forgiving Skinbag for his transgression with the Cage for a few hours a week or so ago. He may have actually done something right for a change…


Sun ,15/02/2009

That Skinbag bastard threw me in a cage yesterday and dragged me off out to some new house! Damn lucky for him that my bed turned up before the end of the night, or he’d have been picking claws out of his arse first time he turned his back on me!

On a calmer and more positive note, it’s not bad at all, and I can see many opportunities for entertainment coming up! Lot’s of wood…

Just because it has scales, doesn’t mean it’s Fish…

Fri ,13/02/2009

Skinbag’s definitely up to something today, and it’s smells distinctly like Seafood! Where the fuck is all my Shit going?

The Naked Cat…

Sun ,01/02/2009

Damn I wish I’d had Skinbag take those shiny clippers he does his beard with, to me and turn me into a walking camel toe. Unfortunately I’d hate to think anyone mistook me for a rat or a Chihuahua! Still, today is much better, and I scored Egg Nog. Life is good…