Furbag's Bane
One Human + One Cat = BDSM and quite a bit of fun…


Well it seems that I’ve a new patch, courteousy of Skinbag. Lot’s of room to pounce around on the inside, and an absolute crap load of turf (figuratively) on the outside. I can see that I’m going to need a pommer for the backyard in a few years for the walk up, but the way down will be sweet!

Apparently I’m getting my own access so I won’t have to wait on that bloody Skinbag to open the door for me each time I want in or out. Life is good as a Furbag!

I may have to consider forgiving Skinbag for his transgression with the Cage for a few hours a week or so ago. He may have actually done something right for a change…

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