Furbag's Bane
One Human + One Cat = BDSM and quite a bit of fun…

Archive for the ‘general’ Category

Skinbag unwound (no that’s not unBound)…

Fri ,02/10/2009

Skinbag seems a lot more relaxed the last few days, but particularly today. Didn’t seem too fussed about a few teeth in the shin! I’d hoped some more pr0n from his pussy might pull him out of it, but it’s not arrived at this stage. I suppose it’s keeping some customs inspector amused before s/he clags up the box. Anyway that said, his mood tonight indicates that life will be a lot less tense now and my food schedule might go back to normal: i.e. on demand. If only the cosmos will send an angel/demon into the den…

He can have his “snow”…

Sun ,30/08/2009

Since the old Skinbag has been reasonably obliging lately, I enquired whether he thought he deserved a birthday present. As a consequence I got him a “Snow Leopard” for his ensuing birthday. Should arrive later in the week: just in time. Although damned if I know what he wants with another cat, it can only be inferior!

Easy Money…

Mon ,17/08/2009

I wonder just how many Egg-Nogs I can score off Skinbag just for going through the door… 🙂

Score: Furbag 646 -> Skinbag 2

And it’s ABOUT F***ING TIME Skinbag…

Sat ,15/08/2009

Finally after all these years the slack bastard has got off his arse and done the needful!

I’ve finally broken him in!


Thu ,13/08/2009

Skinbag tells me I will getting my own entrance very shortly. No longer will I need to biff him about the head for entrance and exit. I see a big square of something with a hole in it: we shall see what materialises…


Mon ,20/07/2009

Skinbag’s got the brain of a flea…

Of course I was happy on the mat until he bothered me! And not only that, he’s made me look FAT! There’s a biffing coming…

Winds of change…

Tue ,14/07/2009

Occassionally Skinbag has a reasonable idea. I think he’s right, it is time for a new look. So I’ve gone for the black look this time. Reflects my strength of character I believe!

Perhaps a few extra Bickies for the Skinbag tonight. 😉

Ring of…

Sat ,11/07/2009

A cat goes out to do what a cat has to do and it’s so bloody windy I got my arse nearly blown up around my nose… undignified!

Progress in part…

Tue ,07/07/2009

It seems Skinbag believes I should be impressed with this, but I’ve yet to see it go in…

The Warm and Fuzzies…

Fri ,10/04/2009

Apparently I’ve found a new way to annoy Skinbag and provide myself with some measure of comfort in these increasingly cool days. His new amplifier is VERY VERY cosy on my butt and paws…